Monthly Archives: May 2018

Louise Roberts is re-releasing Book 2 – Romance in War Series

Grandma used to say. . . by Louise Roberts May 31st, 2018


Grandma used to say, in relation to food preparation, you have to present your dish to first feast the eyes before it feasts the stomach.

In the same way, one might presume, this way of thinking can be adopted to all products whether they are edible or not. If something is pleasing to the eye, it is more likely to be acquired; and if the product is a book, for it to be picked up, scrutinized, and if the formula is to their liking, purchased.

In my case, I thought I had achieved just the right formula when, last year [2017], I had “packaged” Book 2 in my Romance in War series. I believed I was being clever with the title by combining words from two situations dating back to 1944 – the year the story is set. “Operation Dragoon” was the code name for the invasion of southern France in August of that year. At that time, the American musician Glenn Miller was popular, and his tune “Moonlight Serenade” is one of my favorites. It only seemed natural therefore that I should entitle the story “Dragoon Serenade”. Getting an appropriate cover for it was a challenge, and although both the publisher and I loved the end result, it has now come to light [seven months since the books release], that readers held a different, more negative, view.

Book 2 in the Romance in War series is a lovely story or so I’ve been told by all those who have read it. The three 5 star reviews on Amazon and Goodreads seem to support those positive comments.

Yet despite such encouraging feedback sales of the book were lower than expected. It was therefore a difficult decision to make, but with the support of Luminosity Publishing, the story has been repackaged.

On Thursday June 7th, 2018 the book is to be re-released with a new exciting title and a new, more vibrant cover:

Fingers and toes crossed, as well as Grandma’s favorite recipe, “Codename: Amour” will appeal to all lovers of sensual romance and adventure.

With very best wishes

Louise xx


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Paperback Release Today…


It has been a long time coming for me, but I’m pleased that “Out of the Darkness” has today [May 15, 2018] been released as a paperback [it has been available in digital format since April 18,2018. I have been looking forward to this day since 1994 when I first wrote the story. At the time however I was a novice author and wasn’t confident in my writing abilities.

Twenty odd years later and ten other publications under my belt, it was time for my first book to be reworked. It was a good decision. The story needed a complete over-haul and I was glad that I had acquired the right skills to be able to turn this into a fast-paced crime novel with romantic elements.

Using my local knowledge of both Australia and the island of Malta, my story develops in the former and concludes [for now – a sequel is to come] in the latter.

You can view the summary on this blog at the book’s page, but a quick glimpse at the publisher’s site will enable you to read an excerpt:

I sincerely hope that the book will appeal and give enjoyment to those who read it, and hopefully, review it favorably on Amazon.

Finally I would like to thank the team at Luminosity Publishing for their continuing support and belief in my writing.

RLB – Tomewriter

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